Friday, April 25, 2014

Article Review

The article above is about a girl who suffered from Bulimia. She felt pressure from her classmates or the " popular" girls to be skinny. She starved herself and vomited food back solely to lose weight.  But in the end she learned that she didn't have to be skinny to feel accepted. Also, that self acceptance is the most important.

Through this article I learned that journalism can really be about anything. It can be about your own personal experiences and things maybe other people can relate to. I also learned that kids my age can be journalists which is really cool. There are websites like the one above that are devoted to teenage writers sharing whatever they want and that is really interesting!

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Over the past 8 weeks our Creative Writing class here at Sota has had a student teacher named Mr. Ludwig. During this time we as a class, and individuals have learned many things about writing and ourselves as writers.
I have learned to try to find the messages behind things. For example, when we did the fairly tale activity and the one where we saw the picture and had to find hidden images. I liked those activities because they really caused you to think about things from a whole new perspective.
I also think during these 8 weeks we've learned to find ourselves as writers. I learned to find a specific thing about my writing to give me a " voice" as a young writer.
Overall this was a learning period for us and our class is grateful!